So it turns out my clunk is being caused by my front differential. Looking to pickup reman ATP differential as it is the most cost effective $1222. Jasper wants $2222 so no thanks. This repair is a must.
While having the truck inspected it turns out the transfer case was overfilled. Indicating a bad trans or transfer case seal? Fluid is obviously flowing from the transmission to the transfer case. This repair is also a must.
Oil pan has a leak. More like oil seepage. When the diff is pulled I will have him change the gasket. Front main is seeping as well. Thoughts on the front seal? I never have to add much so I know the "leaks" aren't bad.
I am highly considering a reman/rebuild transfer case due to the age of my current one. Im sure the chain is stretched and I am not sure if the overfilling has caused other issues. Thought's? I found this one.
Anything I am not thinking about or should be aware of?