I have had good luck with Ed Bozarth in Park Meadows, but I still try to avoid the dealer if I can. They bailed me out of 3 major issues over the years that other smaller shops fumbled with. Had Medved do some work years ago, and at the time felt I was taken advantage of...
'99 burb had been going into limp mode causing shifts to have no slip (can you say harsh?) took it to multiple shops, replaced multiple tranny parts, spent too much $$.. Bozarth took a step back, looked around and found a wire harness that had rubbed against a sharp edge, causing a short when you hit a bump just right. They dressed the wires appropriately and the problem was solved. Yes, that was a dealer that didn't charge me for a new harness!
'03 burb went through a couple fuel pumps (165k miles when we sold it). I had replaced one, then I paid a CR shop to do another. Shortly after, the fuel gauge sender stopped working (contributing to me running out of gas while on vacation). Took it to bozarth, they determined that the shop that installed it forced it into the tank, breaking and bending the pump housing, which prevented the float from traveling all the way down. Bozarth 'modified' the plastic so the float would work, and put it all back together gether. it was like $250 for labor (involved dropping the tank, so that is pretty cheap.
They even helped me out with an ABS error code that turned out to be a loose connector that I had caused (had just replaced shocks). Didn't even charge me for the repair.
I have used wesbecker with good results. Won't go back to the fuel pump jamming guys (Steele tire). I'll keep your suggestion in mind. I try to do my work myself whenever possible, but at times my time and expertise become limited.
Sorry for the highjack.. Back to your regularly scheduled drain plug discussions