Last evening I ventured into the shop manual and while I saw LT and ST Fuel Pump Trims mentioned, there was nothing else said about them and how it works.
Remote started the Yukon and a few minutes later after getting the Tech-2 fired up the LT Fuel Pump Trim read 1.70. During the 2 hours I was on the road picking up parts and having lunch, the trim reached a high of 1.74 and a low of 1.68. I was doing a Live Plot of the fuel pump pressure this whole time and it never dropped below 42 psi or exceeded 45 psi. Most of the time it was spot on. Idling and cruising around the fuel pump duty cycle remained in the 44% range plus or minus 3% except for full throttle runs either from a roll or such as when passing out on the highway, it went about 10% higher very briefly.
Oh, when I set up the Live Plot for the LT Fuel Pump Trim, the scale was set from 0.0 to 4.0. So, if this a sign of pump heath, I'm still under the halfway point to my way of thinking? What say you? Anyone but me ever look at this stuff? LOL