Well running 93 on its highest mode definitely adds some pep, and the shifting is much better as well as the torque management, but still not quite what I was hoping for. I ran the economy tune on the gas I had in the tank when I had some 87 in it, and experienced a notable amount of detonation (pinging) and returned it to stock. My understanding is that I may have had some bad quality gas (no surprise to me), and the Edge's calibrations are so tight on the economy tune (to squeeze out MPG's) that 85-86 octane just won't cut it. I'll get my next tank in 87 from a different gas station and test it in economy again.
Overall, for $132 it's hard to complain. However, I think their is actually a bit of MPG loss on the performance mode compared to stock on the highway, so I can't justify running around on 93 all the time. Hopefully my pinging issue was isolated and I can get a better report on the economy tune.