I have a ’98 2 door, 4wd with 225,000 miles. Engine and transmission are original. I get hard shifts from 1st to 2nd gear only after I have been towing something for at least an hour or so. All other gear shifts are fine. When I’m not towing anything, it always shifts fine and never skips a beat. A long while back when towing, the service engine light came on. The code was P1870, I think. When I researched the code, it was something do with the transmission reaching or exceeding maximum line pressure. I’ve read that overhauling the transmission valve body and/or installing a shift kit may solve this problem. Seeing the high mileage that I have, should I even bother with the quick fix or just bite the bullet and get the whole transmission rebuilt. I plan on keeping the truck for a long time to come. I just bought a boat and will be towing about 3500 lbs. fairly often. Thanks