Thanks for bringing this thread back. Based on others experiences I purchased the heater kit for my Yukon. Everything went together smoothly. On the SUVs it appears that everything plugs right into sockets made especially for the designated plugs. I had the dealer program the modules today and nothing....they felt there was a mistake during the install. The only place I may have made a mistake was with black wire that appears to be coming out of the 8-way connector that comes in the kit. I assumed this was to be another wire (ground) to be used on the pickup install or if the vehicle has a previous accessory install (rear DVD). I have not seen anyone discuss the need to connect this on the SUV and believe it or not the instructions are a bit confusing (step 46). The truck forum website listed in this thread describes splicing it in to a larger black wire on an 8-way connector located two plugs above where the new 8-way plug fits. I see this wire, but wanted to hear from someone who installed this on an SUV if it is required. Also, if needed what is the best way to tie into this wire?
I installed my kit on a 2013 Tahoe. I dont know if you have a DVD option in your Yukon, but I do not. I did not need to do anything with that black wire and didnt need to splice ANYTHING in the kit. It was 100% plug in. Now maybe if you have a factory DVD that is different (I dont have the instructions in front of me) but you should not need to do anything with that black wire.
I also found the factory instructions kind of a pain. The images the use on them is TERRIBLE - small and bad quality. The exact same thing you are describing happened to me... I took it to a dealership and they said they couldnt program it and I must have installed them wrong. And they can look at them, but it will cost 4 hours of labor (Chevy dealer in N. Illinois). I was never confident with their service dept and was fairy sure I installed everything correctly per the instructions. So I took it to my local Chevy dealer (SE Wisconsin) and they were able to program it just fine. MAKE SURE THEY KNOW THERE ARE TWO THINGS THAT NEED TO BE PROGRAMMED. I even took a highliter and circled the two service bulletins on the instructions and gave it to them - showing them what needs to be programmed.
Good luck