My truck hitch sits 23" to the top (from the ground). Prior to the new rims, the top measured 22"(stock). I have a 2.25" drop slider which turns out is not enough of a drop. The boat is in Havasu and I won't have a chance to measure accurately until I see it, so I'm asking if there's a way to cheat. From what I've read, trailers should ride practically parallel to the ground, but how do I know how high that puts my ball? (or low if I measure from my hitch). Then I assume I need to factor in suspension sag. This may seem ****, but I want a way to measure this exactly, so I can know the appropriate drop to purchase. I thought about buying an adjustable one, but they are pretty costly. Typically, I just go out there and "wing" it, and it's never been an issue, just not officially correct.