I can honestly say my speedometer says 140 and it will do that. The frontend starts to lift a little .
60mph was the fastest
I have to take care of what i got and cant be messing it up
in my old junker I had it upto 115mph super illegal but you can;t prove it.
100MPH in my grandpas car it helped clean out the carbon deposits. from the 100% city driving and probably the first time it got into 5th gear..
and a dodge scare-a-van at 120mph it was a rental so i did not care....
I was driving with in the specs of the van as I wanted to cut my time from CA to AZ and back to CA in one day I did it in 10 hours I put 920 miles on it total in 10 hours.
(including loading up the van time of 30 min bought item off CL and saved over 500$ from buying from the store. after. super illegal but you can;t prove it.
they tried charging me for another day I TOLD them I got the car serviced for free (car wash,which save them 30 to 45 min of service to have it ready for the next person)and two extra gallons of gas since i topped it off because it was below the full line when i got it) for you and you try and charge for another day.. what a joke
AZ gas is cheap so i fill up before i get to California and few more gallons at the nearest station..