Just wanted to bump/update this thread. As mentioned in another thread, I finally got around to doing this and it fixed the issue with my turn signal. It was a pain in the ass but I'm glad it's done. Some advice, you don't have to take the air bag off, just remove the fuse and wait about 30 minutes to be safe. Also the connector for the cruise control is a real ***** to get off. I ended up taking some wire cutters and clipped the retaining clip off. Cut the wires going to the cruise control module so you'll have more slack and if you can, unsnap the cruise control module and slide it off the guide rod for better access. I came across this accidentally when I inadvertently popped it off. Last thing is to be careful with the screw behind the steering wheel. Turn the wheel to the left as much as you can and get the bit in there and use a wrench to turn it enough to loosen it. Then you can take it off safely. I almost stripped my screw by going in at an angle.