Thanks for the write up! My '05 Tahoe Z71 has started giving me a Traction Active light, along with no power until I get off the gas, when starting from a stop. I also get a groaning noise just before coming to a stop. These things happen once every few days. Does this sound like the issue you're talking about?
After reading the thread, I have a few questions. At first you mention that you use a rust preventing LUBRICANT, then you say PAINT (Rustoleum). At first I was thinking of wiping it with an oil of some kind, now I'm not sure.
Also you said "Plug the hole on top of the hub bearing with something to keep debri from getting into the wheel hub bearing. Then use a heavy wire brush, course sand paper or wire wheel in a grinder or drill to clean the corrosion off ot the top of the wheel hub bearing." So we don't want stuff getting into the wheel hub bearing, but we're using a wire wheel on the wheel hub bearing? I'm confused. Is the wheel hub bearing beneath the hole that we're plugging, or is it the area we're cleaning? Are we plugging the hole from the screw or the sensor? And is the picture with the black rectangle the correct area to clean?
Sorry for all the questions. I was just about ready to order a hub/bearing assembly, but this would be a lot easier and cheaper! Thanks again!