thanks for the link chip.
what are the better names to look for? what should i stay away from?
I know for sure that SKF (NOT SFK - Sorry!) bearings are good. I'm not too sure about the rest. I bought another one for $50 shipped, and it seems to be doing just as good as the SKF, but we'll see how long it lasts.
because i doubt the adjustment bolts make you wheels loose when jacked off the ground?? i have danced this dance before, unfortunately.
If your wheels are moving when raised.......that's a serious issue! You need to replace those bearing assemblies before you lose a wheel!
I had the same issue on my Caddy SLS. I ignored the guy that warned me of the danger...........Less than a week after being warned, my front drivers side wheel literally came off while I was going around a swooping curve. I went off the road, hit a few trees, flipped a few times, and woke up in the ER. Total loss!