I'm in the same boat. 07 Suburban, replaced everything. Pickup o ring twice with the green o ring. SO....why does the tube come with a redish o ring? Mine holds 10 to 12 lbs at hot idle 35 ish at cold. I'm driving it. My 350 had 12 ish lbs and ran fine. Pressure goes up to 40 plus quite easily when ya touch the gas. I'm gonna try one more time. I'm gonna put a red oring and new tube in it. if it stays the same then I'll drive it untill it drops. Runs great as is, no issues. As far as the bearing clearances go, why did it have great pressure before then turn crappy? BTW... I am running a mechanical oil pressure gauge from the position of the sending unit. Yes..filter removed. Melling 295HV comes with green and black oring. I'll try the red, only gonna cost a couple gaskets and effort. When I can get to it, I will post back here the difference, If any.