You are going to have to get a Tech II or equivalent hooked up and see if that light is a force on because of the security system OR just a internal problem on the Cluster Circuit board. It is not uncommon at all on these clusters to get silver migration which can bridge paths on the cluster circuit board which will cause all kinds of weird, chaotic, false indications, erratic or no needle movement and god only knows what else. Ive seen and heard it all on these clusters. Pull it out and clean the firewall connector, connector on circuit board and clean the circuit board itself with rubbing alcohol. The silver migration is essentially a corrosion that appears as whitish, grayish and even blackish crud on the circuit board. It can be fully, partially or not conductive at all. Its like adding in random resistor values to random spots on a circuit board and bridging random circuits together that are not even related to on another within the grand scheme of the whole electrical circuit. Give it a good cleaning then let air dry for 30mins or so. Use a soft nylon brush and even a scotchbrite pad lightly across areas with no components and only trace paths. Essentially a light buffing.
Im going to have to one day do a youtube video. This topic comes up alot on here.