Good morning.
So I woke this morning to take apart the ac box under the passenger dash in my 99 tahoe 2d 5.7. After pulling the duct tape off that someone put on I saw the whole box is smasshed all to hell. Its the box that the heater core sits in and also directs the air flow from the ac blower. I think the box is called a plenum?? Any I am trying to get the whol thing out to get a better look and its a pain and pissing me off. I need to ask other than picking a part from a junk yard where can I buy a new one. Also does any one have a diagram of this?
Thanks guys
So I woke this morning to take apart the ac box under the passenger dash in my 99 tahoe 2d 5.7. After pulling the duct tape off that someone put on I saw the whole box is smasshed all to hell. Its the box that the heater core sits in and also directs the air flow from the ac blower. I think the box is called a plenum?? Any I am trying to get the whol thing out to get a better look and its a pain and pissing me off. I need to ask other than picking a part from a junk yard where can I buy a new one. Also does any one have a diagram of this?
Thanks guys