I install a few Peripheral iSimple PXAMG ipod adapters per week. Nice piece.
I've been going through these threads for weeks now and it seems that one is the way to roll (model ISGM74, specifically)...if I'm reading everything correctly, I should be able to leve my iPod in my glove box and control it fully through my headunit, eh?
I had one in my '07 Charger I just got rid of that was available from Dodge that did exactly that and so that's ultimately what I'm looking for
found it through best buy for 150 bucks and it looks like I can pick it up at the store down the street from my house...might grab it tomorrow on the way to watch football before I blow too much cash on boozin'
I was completely sold on the PAC UPAC-GMC2, figuring I'd run the wire to my center console box and leave the iPod in there, pulling it out to change artists & albums but it looks like with this one I won't have to roll that route
we'll see if my opinion changes if I pick one up tomorrow, I guess