I was looking at these on Ebay.....http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/95-99-96-97-98-Tahoe-Black-Head-Light-Bumper-Corner-8PC-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQfitsZYearQ3a1999Q7cModelQ3aTahoeQQhashZitem3f02a52fb6QQitemZ270627319734QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
Just wondering if you guys think they will be junk or a decent buy? I really like the black and think it would look good on my 'hoe. Just don't want to buy them and have them fill up with water or have problems...
Just wondering if you guys think they will be junk or a decent buy? I really like the black and think it would look good on my 'hoe. Just don't want to buy them and have them fill up with water or have problems...