Revitalize NewarK? Wait what? They've done a helluva job thus far. The only thing left is College Row and Broad St. Even Forest Hills is leaps and bounds ahead of were it was just 10 years ago. Ironbound still has the best places to eat. Iberias is closer to the bottom then the top. Fernando's II, Brasilia, Fornos, Titanic, and my personal fav is Boi Na Brasa. All awesome and that doesn't even include the hot spots for lunch. Where else can you get 6 pork steaks, fries, rice, and a Snapple for $6.95 or a half a lobster in Paella for $12.95....for lunch!
NJ State Police use white Tahoes. I used to scare the shit out of people coming up on them fast in the left lane with my Avalanche. They would instinctively move over not realizing I was missing the push bar in the front. Too late to see the bed after they moved out of the way. hehe.