Hello all. New guy with a question. I got a 2005 tahoe z-71. Recently my 3-4 clutch pack went out. Removed the tranny to have it rebuilt. Had the castec heads that started loosing coolant. So i pulled the motor, new heads. Front and rear main seals etc etc. Put on the pan. Re installed the motor , trans. Started noticing a small oil leak agian. Thinking it was the new main seal i started looking around. Found a crack on the passanger side. Researched it, found out that i probably did not align it correctly. Got a new pan. Followed the instructions. About a week goes by and all is good. Started seeing oil agian. Oil pan cracked at the rear most two bolts along the rail. Damn. Ok so oil pan # 3. Got it put ontoday. All was good. Was idling and i litterly heard a tink. Rail on the drivers side broke. What the heck am i doing wrong here ??? Thanks for any input. Just for reference the motor has 280k and never had any oil pan isssue.