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Op here, it's been a while but finally got time to dig a little bit and found the 5th rocker on the passenger side of the engine isn't moving at all... I saw the video of the guy who knocks the lifter loose and I'm considering doing that or just opening it up and replacing them all together I'm just afraid it will happen again. Also I'll be fixing the horrible oil leak that caused this to begin with.. my question is, is there any way to check if the cam has been damaged from this considering it's a seized lifter?
Can't tell without visually inspecting the lobe(s) and if you're into it that far, you're far enough in it to replace the lifters. I'd pull the heads and lifters (heads have to come off to get them) and go from there. The bonus is that the engine is easier to pull with the heads off since you can easily access the four upper bellhousing bolts and it's a smaller package altogether.