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Ok guys thought I’d take the time to throw up a little how to on my light bar. Seen some guys on here ask and have had a few people around town ask me as well. The light bar it self is a straight 42 in bar. The brackets are for a 52 in curved bar. The brackets were the closest I could find without making some for where I mounted it. They did require some slight bending and a vice should work for anyone who does this. As you can see I mounted the brackets to the front caps on the roof rack. Also I dremeled a hole for the wires from the light bar to run under the cap between it and the rubber gasket. I wanted my bar there cause I didn’t want to drill into the body at the windshield and have a lot of wind noise from the bar being there. You can see in the second pic I used a small piece of flat stock believe it was 12 gauge material. I drilled three holes in it and my caps. I then tack welded nuts to the flat stock. I used 1/4 stainless bolts you can probably use smaller. You can see in the third pic I went behind the bolt that mounts the bracket for the roof rack and drilled a hole through the roof for the wires. Then ran all the wires down the b post behind all the plastics to my switch. I can say after almost two years I’ve had no leaks. The bar sits one inch off the roof and works great there illuminating the road. Hope this helps someone who may be wanting to do this.