I'm scrolling and browsing Facebook marketplace and Craigslist for so long that I almost lost the hope in getting something decent. I think probably the best way to get a good truck , is to travel somewhere far away out of the state like Texas or Florida. I will definitely check upon that white ESV that's nearby to me. It's in Staten Island. It had 4 owners 160 *** miles. Nice rims. And no rust according to pictures of course. 0 accidents. Though ESV is too big for me.
When you are doing your search, set the limit to 500 hundred miles, and look in that area. Then change to a city more than 500 miles away from you and do it all over again. Also, I don't know if you are specifically looking for 2003-2006, but if you are, when you get the results, you can do a page search (find) on "200" to weed out just about everything outside of that range. 2007, 2008, 2009, and anything listing 200 (miles, price, etc.) will still show up, but it will reduce the looking by a lot. Also, at least in my browser, it will only search the amount of results that are displayed. So if you come to the end of the "200" search, page down until you see another 200, then click find again. This is what I have been doing.