(excuse the terrible camera phone pics)
Black wheels don't show up that well on pictures for some reason but you get the idea. Anyone have any tricks to helping these come out better please let me know!
I do a lot of photography as a side job and in cases like this there is what called dynamic range. ITs hard to get a proper single exposure with this range of light. IF you get proper exposure for wheels the whites would be over exposed and blown out. If you get proper exposure for sky the wheels are to dark.
So you need to do whats called HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography. YOu take multiple exposures over exposed, under exposed and in the middle. Most day light pictures you only need 3 exposures to do this. Next you need software that can layer the photos and merge them together to bring out all the range of the photo into one single outcome. I use photomatix. Then you need software like photo shop to sharpen and adjust colors, tones and effects.
I took your photos and ran them through a filter I have that brings out detials in photos but, because this is not a high res photo and its a jpeg its not going to look as good if it was shot RAW.
here is the result.
Now as far as cameras go I higly reccomend a DSLR camera not your typical point and shoot camera. Something like a nikon D3000,D5000 ,D7000.D3200 they do get pricey but you can also find them on CL used.
I happen to shoot full frame with a D700 and that camera is a pro camera and gets up in price about $3000. Also lenses are something you then need to consider. There are all sorts of lenses and price range. For a begginer I would just recommend if you have about $600-$800 to go down to costco or best buy and pick up an entry level DSLR with lens kit or look on CL for a cheaper buy. However you have to be able to shoot in RAW to do this properly.
here is an example of a properly done HDR photo (my yukon)
VIPGraphX, on Flickr
IF you are not familiar with this it can get to be very overwhelming.
But thats how you would do it.