PID is a description number for each thing monitored. Go to the website for your scanner and look for Advanced or extra or new PIDs- They might not even call them PIDs. Try to learn it a little more, you have alot shown, but if you chose to monitor cylinders 1-8 missfires individually for instance, then a misfire at the coil would be equally distributed among all 8. A spark plug on #2 would be trouble code P0302. for #5 P0305 , trouble code P0300 missfire. Counts have to reach a threshold value to set as specific. P0300 VS P0301
MAO? Communist in your motor? MAP manifold air pressure 9.9 under light load ok. 14-19 inches no load.
Do you have a fuel pressure guage? Monitor fuel pressures when it misses. Change your fuel filter EVERY YEAR. Change it now.
It got better with Techron- A clue.
What I think- you posted above was live but a snapshot of everything monitored.
Techron and fuel filter I would do now. Fuel pressure gauge As soon as you can, Website or Utube for scanner.
MAO? Communist in your motor? MAP manifold air pressure 9.9 under light load ok. 14-19 inches no load.
Do you have a fuel pressure guage? Monitor fuel pressures when it misses. Change your fuel filter EVERY YEAR. Change it now.
It got better with Techron- A clue.
What I think- you posted above was live but a snapshot of everything monitored.
Techron and fuel filter I would do now. Fuel pressure gauge As soon as you can, Website or Utube for scanner.