Im the one with the attitude? I guess if up is yellow and left is right and 4+4=umbrella.
For the record, I did THANK him multiple times, and I did state it was aftermarket!!!
WTF is wrong with you?!
Lay off the Monster energy drinks Kyle and go patch up some drywall.
Yes your attitude. I was trying to help you:
"You can look at the part that protrudes out from the plug and go from there. Not sure what it’s called,the thing that makes sure the plug goes into the hole correctly. Locator lug? The thing that sticks out by the blue and green wires. If you can’t figure it out from looking at those pictures you shouldn’t be working on it IMO"
And your answer back was smart ass to say the least:
"Excuse me for not noticing... something that tells me nothing.
That could be top, bottom, or any direction for that matter.
Mine is aftermarket and completely different."