Cable adjustment is too tight. The other side of the lever that's being pulled should be close to the backing plate with the parking brake released.
EDIT: it looks like I saw that wrong. The other end IS close to the backing plate. When it's like that can you turn the RR wheel freely?
It seems to turn OK. No unusual sounds like rubbing when driving.
The ends of the cable at the equalizer were slightly different, so the equalizer bracket was not vertically straight like I thought it was. I got the three cables on and attached.
After half a day off from work and three solid nights after work, it is at my guy's shop now to mess with it. I have grip with foot off brake, but moves when I touch the gas. That is one of the requirements for MA RMV inspection, to bump the RPM to 1200-1300 RPM and have it hold tight.
I think I am close. Just need the right adjustments made.
Thanks for the photo in my "Oh, S_IT" moment!!!
I am usually pretty sure to get photos of thing before the come apart. I guess I assumed that cable end was simple enough. Which it is, if you can remember what it looked like before ripping the part out!!