You should NOT be buying an $80k vehicle only making $250k a year. Especially a mundane family vehicle that will be worth half that at 5 years old, that is in insane amount of money to lose when the excuse to buy it is usually either just to get the neighbors to gawk over it or because “used cars aren’t reliable.” While I don’t necessarily fully agree with Dave Ramsey that all debt is bad no matter what and you can’t afford it if you can’t pay cash, having a $1000 car payment is absolutely insane no matter how much you make.
$250k is not a lot of money in today’s economy when rent/mortgage is $2500+ a month, health insurance is $1000 a month, groceries are $1000-1500 a month, and so on. Now, if you do save up and pay cash, then, I guess, go for it, but that’s still an insane amount of money to lose for no reason. You could buy the $40k used 5 year old vehicle that will be just as reliable, but maybe with a tad less new features (which are mostly gimmicky anyway), and put $40k in the stock market and be way better off in 5 years. You’d probably have enough them to trade in and take $20k out and get another $40k one and not spend any more money.