It's possible the LCA being altogether different was manufactured a **** hair longer than the old piece which multiplies the distance after a spindle, hub and wheel is bolted on. Even the spindle could be taller and and wider than the previous, displaying the effects of which after the wheels are attached. Not a big deal if the horizontal geometry of moving parts and linkage appears correct. It's nothing that would surprise me, to be short.
The torsion bars should me be marked for orientation before disassembly and reinstalled exactly the same way per service exercise, at least if you want the ride height to remain the same. Personally, I would rotate it 180-deg if I could go back & do it all over again to take advantage of the rebound effects. Same as flipping your mattress over, when putting into perspective. You can adjust the torsion bar keys to make minor adjustments in ride height. But jack the front end up entirely from the ground to relieve the tension before doing so.