99 - take it off, sand / grind / wire wheel the bad spots and rough up the rest. Then prime it and paint it. Didn't take too long. I used spray paint and it looks great. Two cans of primmer, maybe three and like 5 cans of black if I can rmember correctly. I did the frame and the wheel wells at the same time so I had bought a lot of paint. The frame was brushed on.
Atomic - yup, all the same. It is a nice heavy duty piece, very common in the OBS. Are you thinking about adding one? I think that and a safari roof rack would look great and really confuse the hell out of people.
Atomic - yup, all the same. It is a nice heavy duty piece, very common in the OBS. Are you thinking about adding one? I think that and a safari roof rack would look great and really confuse the hell out of people.