Hi all,
I believe this post to be somewhat unique as I have been searching online for this issue and have not seen what I believe to be what my Tahoe is having when it comes to this sound and acceleration.
When I am already driving and accelerate, there is a noticeable ‘plink’ or ‘tink’. It happens once - in other words it’s a single ‘plink’ or ‘tink’ not a re-occurring one.
It happened rarely but now with over 88k miles it’s happening more.
No other clicking or tinking sounds happen leading up to or after this sound. Its just the one time but happenes during each cycle of acceleration.
I can hear it in the cab and if my windows are down - it can be heard.
Thank you for any insight about what this could be or what I could advise a mechanic to look for/try and fix.
I believe this post to be somewhat unique as I have been searching online for this issue and have not seen what I believe to be what my Tahoe is having when it comes to this sound and acceleration.
When I am already driving and accelerate, there is a noticeable ‘plink’ or ‘tink’. It happens once - in other words it’s a single ‘plink’ or ‘tink’ not a re-occurring one.
It happened rarely but now with over 88k miles it’s happening more.
No other clicking or tinking sounds happen leading up to or after this sound. Its just the one time but happenes during each cycle of acceleration.
I can hear it in the cab and if my windows are down - it can be heard.
Thank you for any insight about what this could be or what I could advise a mechanic to look for/try and fix.