Ugh, she's gone!!! 
Which one of you forgot to put their pants up?
How many times must we have this discussion again?
Fine, Dignity 101 on Tuesday - How to not be dorky in front of the fair sex.
Sheesh people, this is TYF not a Chrysler LeBaron tea party... get yourselves together.
The only other explanation for Stephanie'***** and run is that she in fact has inflicted the famous reverse Yentle maneuver and has hoodwinked us all!!! Are the steaks and spindles in the Fridge? No! Well that settles it: Stephanie is Detais! And he/she has tricked us once more.
Argh, we're never going to catch him, he's wearing sneakers.
Which one of you forgot to put their pants up?
How many times must we have this discussion again?
Fine, Dignity 101 on Tuesday - How to not be dorky in front of the fair sex.
Sheesh people, this is TYF not a Chrysler LeBaron tea party... get yourselves together.
The only other explanation for Stephanie'***** and run is that she in fact has inflicted the famous reverse Yentle maneuver and has hoodwinked us all!!! Are the steaks and spindles in the Fridge? No! Well that settles it: Stephanie is Detais! And he/she has tricked us once more.
Argh, we're never going to catch him, he's wearing sneakers.