It’s important to me to have pride in my workmanship. The factory signal is clean from 20Hz to 20 kHz at full volume. I don’t understand why people use the “sound restorers” or LOC’s on these vehicles. Literally cut a single RCA in half and solder in. Don’t get easier, cheaper, or better. I’ll shoot a photo of the scope when I’m replacing the spliced RCA with AQ king cobras this weekend.I absolutely do have some OCD issues, but they're never directed where it matters. I'll rarely wash my Tahoe, but I want my sound system on point. I also have a tendency to do a lot of things with my own spin on it cuz almost everything, including the mods, can be improved, right? This often makes projects drag out for-effin-ever.
Anyway, I wanted to keep the Bose sub active and just tap into the line levels to feed the amps that will be powering the door speakers and a single sub.
I noticed you’re from the dirty dirty. We’re abouts? I lived in Gonzales and St. Gabrielle while attending LSU. Geaux Tigers et Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!