Glad to hear it is going well so far!
Your blower issue could be the controller with the knobs or the motor itself. There’s a rubber cover over it in the passenger footwell. With the knobs cranked a multimeter should show some voltage (~12v I’d guess) between the 2 wires. That should point you in the general direction.
Personally I’d swap out the coolant at your leisure. Dexcool is fine but I drain/fill every 2 years in our GMs. In case you didn’t know, don’t mix Dexcool and green. Dexcool has a shelf life and if it’s been sitting for years, it’s expired though not necessarily immediately urgent.
As you fix the other stuff you can do transmission fluid/filter and differential(s) and transfer case if it’s 4wd. It’s always wise to make sure you can open the fill bolts before removing the drain bolts on the front diff and transfer case.
If you’re on speaking terms with the PO ask if the intake manifold gasket and/or spider (Fuel injector) upgrade has been done and any transmission service history.
As for as aftermarket wiring, my suggestion to leave it be was to avoid creating new problems. I’ve had friends pull old alarms out and introduce weird electrical gremlins, but I hope you can get remote start to work — it’s priceless in extreme climates.
Your blower issue could be the controller with the knobs or the motor itself. There’s a rubber cover over it in the passenger footwell. With the knobs cranked a multimeter should show some voltage (~12v I’d guess) between the 2 wires. That should point you in the general direction.
Personally I’d swap out the coolant at your leisure. Dexcool is fine but I drain/fill every 2 years in our GMs. In case you didn’t know, don’t mix Dexcool and green. Dexcool has a shelf life and if it’s been sitting for years, it’s expired though not necessarily immediately urgent.
As you fix the other stuff you can do transmission fluid/filter and differential(s) and transfer case if it’s 4wd. It’s always wise to make sure you can open the fill bolts before removing the drain bolts on the front diff and transfer case.
If you’re on speaking terms with the PO ask if the intake manifold gasket and/or spider (Fuel injector) upgrade has been done and any transmission service history.
As for as aftermarket wiring, my suggestion to leave it be was to avoid creating new problems. I’ve had friends pull old alarms out and introduce weird electrical gremlins, but I hope you can get remote start to work — it’s priceless in extreme climates.