You're going to need an amp for every sub you could get. Some come with the amp and sub built in (and box built in). They are small, and you just unplug them. They are about the size of a ….. big tv dinner (for one).
IMO, That 8" shallow sub is probably the one thing you don't want to do. The 8" shallow mount can transfer over to another vehicle, but if you buy it to fit in that small space, why would you? There's a very slim chance it would be a good fit in something else. If you don't mind losing the space, I would look for a decent deal on a full size sub. Probably a 10" or 12", I would probably look for a good package deal on craigslist for something that's used, good price, and lower wattage, so you might be able to get away with doing some small electrical upgrade, (and maybe find a seller who will be willing to help you install it). That way, you can always just take it right out of this, and use it in another vehicle. Then you can always say its not really money spent on the vehicle, its money spent for a stereo, that you can reuse in something else.
Those subs with the internal amps, and there own box, might be a good buy. Just like something much bigger you just unplug them and take them with you if you want. Those should be low wattage enough that you should be good with a 160 amp alt (that you can get at any auto parts store, or maybe used) if you don't already have it. If you can keep the wattage low enough, and something like that, you upgrade the alternator, and just run your big 3, and your amp's power, ground, and remote wire.