I recently had the same issue with my 08 Yukon, that is what brought me to this forum. My low beams went out while driving down the interstate an night!! took me a a while to figure out I could just hit the high beams and go on, just had to let everybody get mad at me. I fought this for a long time. They would come and go for a while then just stopped completely. I tried everything and scoured all of the forums I could find no luck. I even went to a salvage yard and bought the guts for the fuse/relay box and swapped it still nothing. Eventually I figured out the BCM supplies the ground input to all of the relays in the relay box to trigger them so i ran a jumper wire from the fog light relay to the low beam relay then i just had to turn on fog lights to get low beams on. I went like that for a while. Then other things began to stop working, amp for radio, blower motor, and rear turn signal sometimes worked sometimes didn't . Noticed the gremlins would usually come after a car wash. I got very determined one Saturday and tore into it. What I found was under the the fuse relay box the wire loom splits and goes several directions therefor the plastic loom cover ends and new ones go other directions. right at point it lays on the raw edge of the fender. I had 3 wires that were broken a several that were worn bare. I repaired all of the damage and taped it up. Then I got a piece rubber hose about 12" long and split it down the side and slipped it over the sharp edge of the fender. Wala no more problems and everything worked as it should. You have to take the whole fuse assembly out and get it out of the way then lift the wire harness up to look under it.