You could be looking at a downward trend of oil pressure over time, which is common on these engines and has multiple potential causes. The most common is the oil sender screen getting plugged up, with the remedy being to remove and replace the sender and screen beneath it. The second most common is an o-ring on the oil pump pickup tube that hardens over time and starts having trouble maintaining a tight seal. The solution is to drop the oil pan and replace the o-ring. Other causes that are less common include cam bearings, oil pressure relief vales getting weak, etc. My advice would be to keep an eye on it and if it drops below spec, start with the sender and screen. Can be done with the intake manifold in place but it's a PITA and you'll be laying on top of the engine for a whileThanks wsteele! Those numbers do match what I'm getting so that's good. I just could have sworn it used to idle around 30 psi but then again I rarely look at the oil pressure gauge and the last time I noticed the pressure was higher was probably months ago so it wasn't as hot out. It does idle higher on cold start which it is supposed to and climbed with throttle response. So I think I'm ok. Thanks again everyone. So far I am enjoying this place. Lots of good people and info.