Just a reminder to the vast numbers of us that will be looking at doing their pick up tube o-ring. Note the pick up tube using two bolts instead of the OEM one bolt. (All LS oil pumps have two threaded bolt holes to use) Below will be the link for the girdle that overlaps the flange on the OEM pickup tube and comes with the two bolts of the proper length. The little bit of red stuff you see in the picture is a dab of red high temp grease to assist in sliding the o-ring into the recess. I also use blue loctite on the bolts. Pick up tube is OEM general motors, they have them on AC Delco's presents at Amazon, and they come with the red o-ring.
Z Whip LS Oil Pump Pickup Tube Girdle Pipe Hold Down Brace Support Billet Bracket MADE IN THE USA Compatible with GM Chevy LS Series Engines LSX LS1 LS3 LS2 LQ4 LS6 LQ9 5.3L 6.0L 6.2L https://a.co/d/8Lm802w
GM Genuine Parts 12608579 Engine Oil Pump Pickup Tube and Screen https://a.co/d/2HroDH2https://a.co/d/2HroDH2
Z Whip LS Oil Pump Pickup Tube Girdle Pipe Hold Down Brace Support Billet Bracket MADE IN THE USA Compatible with GM Chevy LS Series Engines LSX LS1 LS3 LS2 LQ4 LS6 LQ9 5.3L 6.0L 6.2L https://a.co/d/8Lm802w
GM Genuine Parts 12608579 Engine Oil Pump Pickup Tube and Screen https://a.co/d/2HroDH2https://a.co/d/2HroDH2