I have owned it since 35k, bought CPO from local trusted dealer with only oil changes. I have done most everything myself on it.
filled to 1.5 quarts over and tick with low oil pressure persists. Thoughts?
Did you try a nosedive?
If that makes no difference, then, unfortunately, it's not a simple leaky O-ring. I agree with
@wsteele- a full engine evaluation needs to be done. With that much oil on that side ("inlet" side) of the engine, it sounds like a clogged PCV ("exit" side) coupled with excess blow-by and pressure in the crankcase, indicating worn rings. You should also test the oil pressure with a mechanical gauge to rule out a faulty pressure sensor. Clean or replace the screen under the sensor when testing with a gauge. Be sure to take note of the screen's condition as this could give you an idea of the condition of the internals. I'd pull the intake manifold and check the VLOM bolts for tightness or, at that mileage, replace the gasket or the whole VLOM with the updates design if it hasn't been done already. These being loose can cause reduced oil pressure.
By the way, have you checked for broken exhaust manifold bolts? Those cause a ticking that sounds very much like a lifter tick and they usually subside after a few seconds as the heads and manifolds heat up.