I've had my 22" Factory Repro Wheels only for about 1-1/2 months, but so far am very happy with them.
The plating looks to be top quality, just beautiful, as good as any other customs I've seen, and would say they rank with some of the very best, and are better than some other customs I've seen.
It looks like a very good degree of attention was paid to polishing prep, and handling before the plating process, barrels look good, no mangled rim edges, anything in the way of nicks-dings that make me think that the factory who make these did some substandard rush job in some back alley plant.
Now I'll grant you, I live in the southwest desert here, we rarely see snow and if we do on occasion, doubtful that salts are dumped on the roads.
I would suspect any wheel, plated, or clear coated will eventually have their finishes fail if one would place any wheel into a 24/7 salt bath for a long length of time without being properly protected.
Experience tells me your 3 biggest enemies with any wheel made will be Salts, Brake Dusts, and Harsh Cleaners.
And that was one sole reason I chose to coat my wheels with a semi-permanent Ceramic Coating, versus a lesser Wax, or a Synthetic Sealant.
I chose Carpro CQuartz UK Coating, then topped with Carpro Reload.
There are others on the market from Optimum, 22ple, Pinnacle, Duragloss, etc.
Such Coatings are more impervious and resistant to acids-alkalies, brake dusts, heat, and abrasion from cleaning. A relatively inexpensive bit of good insurance to coat such wheels in and out before placing into service.
So far, I haven't even had a need to resort to shampoos, or detergents, just a simple hose down with clear water, and wipe dry. In a number of months, all I'll need to do, is replenish the Coating with a fast application of Carpro Reload, which is a diluted Ceramic protectant, can be used on Chrome, Paint, Glass, Rubber, Plastic.
PS: I wanted to also add, that packing of the wheels was excellent as well, totally first class all the way. Super heavy duty Cardboard Boxes, with additional pieces of Cardboard at both the box's sides top and bottom, additional sheets of cardboard top and bottom, both rim edges wrapped with foam, and the wheels themselves are encased in large plastic bags. Smart that each box has grab handle cutouts (2) on each box to ease handlng.