Supporting Member
Okay so this is probably going to disappoint some folks but here it goes ...
I took off the Escalade (G5) tails, 3rd, and appliqués ... it's not that they weren't beautiful but something about them was not right in my eyes. Basically, as opposed to the Esky and the Tahoe, the Yukon is defined by much more curvy/rounded body lines. The rear configuration, though somewhat unorthodox with the 2 tone effect, really complements this curve effect. The esky rear lights/moldings are simply too angular and clash with the front (in my eyes).
I'll take pics in a bit, and I'm not selling my stuff yet cause i want to live with her like this for a couple of weeks before I decide once and for all, but as it stands I'm already happier having gone back to the stock configuration.

I took off the Escalade (G5) tails, 3rd, and appliqués ... it's not that they weren't beautiful but something about them was not right in my eyes. Basically, as opposed to the Esky and the Tahoe, the Yukon is defined by much more curvy/rounded body lines. The rear configuration, though somewhat unorthodox with the 2 tone effect, really complements this curve effect. The esky rear lights/moldings are simply too angular and clash with the front (in my eyes).
I'll take pics in a bit, and I'm not selling my stuff yet cause i want to live with her like this for a couple of weeks before I decide once and for all, but as it stands I'm already happier having gone back to the stock configuration.