Here's the deal, show 12.5 volts after it runs. Sits for 8-10 ours and down to 11.5. Showed almost 300mA drain until I pull ipc/dic fuse. Sent cluster off for repair and the guy guarantees it fixes the high draw. I thought that was my issue and that was it but battery is still dead or maybe starter is going bad and killing the battery once I try to crank. I will test voltage prior to cranking the next time but this morning it was at around 10.5 volts before I cranked it but it did crank. Fuse still out and fluctuate between 30mA and 10mA. Goes to 30 for a split second and back to 10 for a while. But, if I jump the truck starts good of course right after. Maybe a slight starter drag but cranks nonetheless. I put another battery in with same results. Sits for 10 hours and deader than a hammer most of the time. Have it sitting now with a charged battery at 13.5 volts and with ammeter in series on negative terminal. Any ideas fellas?! Sorry to keep bothering y'all. Hopefully I can find a solution and post on here for other people who may be looking for answers