Just recently I was walking ( from my way out parking spot ) into a grocery store, and seen a dad letting his kid push his cart to the cart corral after emptying its contents into his shitbox of a car. I seen the kid, with all his mite, push the cart towards the cart corral from a good 20 feet away, wind caught it and slammed it into a 07 or better Suburban, truck looked brand new, so I assume it was closer to a 2012. He simply left it there, and walked back to his car, where his dad was watching the whole thing.
I snapped a picture of the dudes vehicle, and returned to mine and waited 20 ( yes 20 mins sitting in my car trying to be a nice guy ) mins for the lady who owned the suburban to come out. I calmly walked up to her and made her aware of myself to not startle her, explained what had happend and offered to text her the picture, and told her that I know the lot is video recorded, so the managers would likely be able to provide legal evidence.
She looked at me with a blank stare and said " its just truck, no need for all that " and turned back around.
That was the last time I have tried to help a stranger out, people not only dont care about other peoples stuff, they dont care about their own.