Had to go by today and check up on things. Going with the blackest of black and then make it shine like a mirror. I'm having them remove all the side trim and the logo off the back. Redoing the grill gaurds and taillight gaurds. The tint is 5% in the back so I'm trying to get the plastic parts done where the back windows meet the doors to match so it looks seamless. Going to have the underside done as well since it's in there. It was a little bit of a shock to see it like this after 14 yrs in the same dress.
Shot at 2010-02-03
Shot at 2010-02-03
Shot at 2010-02-03
Shot at 2010-02-03
Shot at 2010-02-03
Shot at 2010-02-03
Shot at 2010-02-03
Shot at 2010-02-03