Resident Cards Fan
dude i was just messing with him.. i usually try to keep mystuff out of these contests just because i get paid to do ps work so i think i look at the rides a lil different and my opinions are a lil stilted.. thats why i ususally try to do something super out there that takes a lil bit of hand painting and grafting to do.. something the average ps dude will never HAVE to learn.. regardless of how it ends up LOOKING..
Its not a ps contest on a ps forum.. its a ps contest on a TRUCK forum.. lol.. eco did do some real work on it.. dont get me wrong.. and its all in fun.. nalis shit was ugly as ****.. but i think it had a few more tricks in it IMO..
IM not hating on ECO and i think he knows that..
I knew it was all in fun.. just stating my opinion.

I didn't know you did PS work IRL. One of MOB's many tricks up his sleeve.