Exactly. Besides, I don't even pull people over unless they are doing 11 over, and don't usually write tickets unless they are doing 13+ over the limit. That's just my philosophy though. Everyone speeds, that's just how it goes. I don't slap people with a 4 point $125 ticket unless they are scooting pretty good. Then again, if someone wants to be a ***** (like asking me if its been a slow day...kidding

), or there are other factors involved, I might modify that philosophy.
As for those mobile radar traffic advisors that just display your speed, in my experience they are usually set up in relatively low-speed areas (sub-45 mph zones usually). If you have bigger wheels/tires, your speedo will be off by a percentage, so at lower speeds it wont be off by as much when compared to highway speeds. I don't know what the exact difference is for 22s, but 5-6mph at 70 doesnt seem out of the realm of possibility.
Sorry to hear you got popped though, Earl. That's crappy no matter how you slice it.