Haha so define tech savvy
just setting up the software can be frustrating, pc security has to be turned off because the software is hacked so security thinks it is a virus and deletes needed files to make it work, then it has to have firmware updates to keep the license working and if any of that does not go well you have erase everything and start over. It usually takes a couple tries
if you miss installing a file it wont work, if you put it on a tablet and it is not in pc mode first it wont work, you have to open the files from shortcuts it creates on the desktop if you do it from anywhere else it wont work, the vx manager has to be running first then you open and go to gds and then you have to select the correct device presuming it detected and the hack part worked.
then after all that every once in a while you have to update the firmware or it stops working again, i'm talking months later not all in one sitting .
ducks just have to be all in a row is all, it helps to have a fast computer because it all runs mostly on java