Jason in DLH
Cheeseburger and Fries
So a few days ago I went about an easy fix. To simply replace the old and worn ignition lock cylinder. First attempt...FAIL! Recoded the new cylinder to match the old key (or so I thought) and when I placed it into the ignition it was stuck. Tried everything I could think of to remove it and ended up drilling it out (definitely need Cobalt bits and cutting oil for metal by the way). Read on for a much better way than drilling! I thought perhaps it was because I purchased an aftermarket cylinder that it didn’t work, so tonight I finally received the GM cylinder and re-coded this new one to match my old key (or so I thought again!). Put it in and got stuck AGAIN! I still had my old cylinder and took a much better look at the numbers and apparently my eyesight is horrible since I thought a 5 was a 3 and finally realized I had the wrong darn code. This time I played around with tie wire and the old cylinder and realized I can unlock the cylinder with tie wire. I used pliers to close the wire a bit (still had a small rounded end) and twisted the end so that I could turn it. I used my left hand to turn the plastic part while I turned the wire with my right and I could turn it to the on position thereby allowing me to remove the cylinder. I then changed that darn #3 to a #5 and she works like a charm! I hope this helps someone so they don’t spend so much time drilling and ruining a perfectly good cylinder like I did! Well...on to my clockspring (we’ll see what I wreck next)...