That was with a pickup though, right? The bed acts as a crush zone to keep passengers safe where with a SUV there's nothing when the bumper is removed. It's actually kind of dangerous and you might get sued if somebody in your rig gets hurt. Not to put a damper on it but just something to consider. I've read somewhere it's illegal in SUV's. But it does look good!
Well a crush zone in case of high impact collisions I guess. But if you alter your impact zones, like bumpers, insurance sometimes denies payout. They see it like if you had a bumper in the 5mph rear end accident they would just be paying for the bumper, but without a bumper now they're paying for a tailgate rear qp and blending entire bed and sides where the bed hit the cab.
I agree a roll pan looks so sexy on our suvs, but this is why I just went with a color matched Denali bumper instead