My '07 Tahoe 5.3L FFV with 300k on the clock had a chronic misfire problem, which I narrowed down to the injectors (still the original injectors, which I was impressed by, LOL). Since I'm 6-months unemployed, I bought the new injectors on Amazon for $100 (for all 8).
First drive after the swap, misfire was definitely gone, but MIL came on for rich mixture on both banks. I've spent so many hours looking at telemetry data from my HP Tuner at this point and trying to reason my way through the problem that I'm pretty sure I've totally lost the plot entirely. The only consistency I can see is that the STFT and LTFT are constantly more than -18% and the LTFT spends most of the time pegged negative.
I can't find any air leaks, fuel pressure is steady as a rock at 58 psi, TPS and APS data looks clean, and given the raw fuel I can taste dumping out the pipe, I feel confident saying it's not false O2 readings. I've tried re-establishing the Delta P vs Injector Flow table based on the data, which seemed to mildly improve it, but not enough to make a difference.
Any suggestions on what to look at? Or anyone know a lot about the data than I do to try and get to the bottom of it?
First drive after the swap, misfire was definitely gone, but MIL came on for rich mixture on both banks. I've spent so many hours looking at telemetry data from my HP Tuner at this point and trying to reason my way through the problem that I'm pretty sure I've totally lost the plot entirely. The only consistency I can see is that the STFT and LTFT are constantly more than -18% and the LTFT spends most of the time pegged negative.
I can't find any air leaks, fuel pressure is steady as a rock at 58 psi, TPS and APS data looks clean, and given the raw fuel I can taste dumping out the pipe, I feel confident saying it's not false O2 readings. I've tried re-establishing the Delta P vs Injector Flow table based on the data, which seemed to mildly improve it, but not enough to make a difference.
Any suggestions on what to look at? Or anyone know a lot about the data than I do to try and get to the bottom of it?