@George B
I have to have a healthy serving of crow for lunch here!!
I was quite surprised to see my cluster do the same at requesting SPS data.!! I need to pay better attention it would seem.
After seeing my own truck do the same I had a look at the data stream and saw the reason for it.
When requesting SPS data, (which is done by reading specific data blocks in the control modules) the Tech 2 first issues a "test tool present" message to all modules on the network. This is followed by a directive for all modules to cease normal data traffic. This cessation of normal traffic remains in force as long as the Tech 2 repeats the "test tool present" message every few seconds. And of course without this traffic the cluster can't display all that data that is normally sent to it through those normal messages on the class 2 data bus.
Here is a screenshot that shows the normal traffic seen above the purple line. Below the purple line only test tool requests and the respective module responses are seen...
After the Tech 2 has gathered all the calibrations and such from the various modules it stops sending those "test tool present" messages and the "All Quiet" directive expires and each of the various modules resume operations. As a part of this it seems the cluster resets itself. Seen below is the network resuming normal operations beneath the purple line...
I was able to duplicate the cluster behavior by sending the "All Quiet" command myself using my Android phone, a bluetooth OBD2 adapter and a serial terminal app, and allowing the command to expire, causing the cluster to reset.
And so it looks like your Tech 2 is now working as designed.