Ok - some corrections and minor updates.
I cleaned the ground wire connector to the firewall yesterday and the negative battery cable to the block today. When testing yesterday, I kept opening and closing the circuit which is why I kept getting the 3.58 amp initial drain. I bridged today with a jumper from post to the cable end and attached probes to each.
With the meter between the neg batt cable terminal and the neg batt post, bridged with a jumper cable - I opened a door, and get an initial 3.58-3.6 Amp draw (its amps, I had said MA in a previous post) within a minute or two this drops down to 1.6 - 1.8 amps, then .4 and .1, resulting in a final "drain" of 6 - 10 milliamps (ma).
This is well within range/tolerances and should not be enough to drain a battery.
The only thing I did was clean one end of the braided ground cable against the Firewall and the negative battery cable end where it is attached to the block. I cannot imagine this was enough, but maybe it was - my recent luck would disagree though.
I am gonna take voltage readings every hour to see if the battery drains, will clean the grounds under/attached to the frame. and maybe get a battery switch so I can test for amp drain without having to reset the circuit each time.